Right now the temperature says -11 and the wind picked up this afternoon so I'm sure it feels even colder than that outside. I have been still milking the goats (even though we're not getting much) and the first few squirts that hit the bowl freeze onto the metal. My hands aren't very warm either! It would be nice to have the barn insulated but that won't happen for a while. Mom and Jonathan are in Minot selling at a heath food meeting with Paulette. Jonathan was just going to advertise his chicken but Mom brought a bunch of jam and bagels to sell there.
Tonight Dad sliced a bunch of potatoes and we fried them and salted them. They taste just like real potato chips!
That's all for now,
Those look really, really good Peter! I was wondering how you fried them? Did you use a deep-fat fryer or just a pan on the stove? We've tried baking potato chips before, but they turned out quite tough... (Only the goats enjoyed them!)
Hi Cora,
We use a fry-daddy deep fryer with our own lard and that seems to work out well. It would be nice to have one that was a little larger (so you could do more at a time) but we use this one and it works!
Thanks for commenting,
I thought it was interesting that some were off in Minot at selling health food items and you were home making potato chips! Ha. They sure look good anyway. Your blog is fun to read!
Who says potato chips made with organic potatoes and lard from pastured pigs isn't healthy? *grin*
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