Thursday, August 15, 2013

Farm Notes August 13

Last week we were happy to receive a few loads of high quality organic alfalfa/brome grass hay from a local farmer for the dairy cows.  This hay will be used to make milk through the coming winter.  We are very blessed to have a trustworthy organic farmer that is willing to provide this quality hay for us at a fair price.  This hay didn't get rained on at all before it was baled, so it should stay fresh and nutritious for the cows until spring.

Your farmer,

3 comments: said...

Finding good quaily hay that has not been rained on (with round bales anyway) is hard to find. It sounds like you have a good source. I have been able to get pretty good hay here too. I am trying to do more stockpile grazing though, as feeding too much hay will make you go broke! We have been blessed with a good grass year. It hasn't stopped growing.


Peter said...

Thanks for the comment, Graham. Stockpiling grazing for the winter season is something I'm learning to do as well. It is a balancing act for me since I have a number of dairy cows to keep in milk, and I don't think they would do too well producing milk on forage from the snowbanks.

Thanks again for the comment!

Peter said...

I am sure it is harder to do with dairy, especially in a northern climate. But I am sure there are people doing it. I guess the best system is a combination of the two. Proper balance is always good, but often hard to achieve.
