Friday, February 23, 2007

Febuary 23 2007 Video Update


We figured out how to post short videos so I thought I'd try and post one. If you've looked at Jonathan's blog recently you know what we did yesterday. In case you didn't I can tell you. We did dog sledding. I drove a team of six dogs for about 6 miles along trails. Our neighbors the Pozarnskies have thirty sled dogs and so they set up three sleds for us to use. I went with Andrew, Jonathan with Mom, and Dad with David. The Pozarnskies rode on snowmobiles and coached us along the way. It is like you're sliding, up hills and down hills. It was really fun! There was a brake that would dig into the snow to slow you down but it was almost all you could do to stop the dogs completely. Jonathan's blog has a short video of the adventure and some pictures. Today it was really windy. We repaired a rip in the house wrap this morning. That is about all that is interesting. I hope the video works!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its all interesting what you guys do.

That sure must have been a fun day.

Interesting how the dogs get so excited when they know they are about to run.

Keep writing and taking pictures, we all love it.

Thanks peter

Gp B