Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Farm Notes August 27th

. . . and on his farm he had a PIG!  Yep, eleven little piglets were born last week to our friendly mamma pig in the barnyard.  This warm weather is perfect for newborn pigs to get started with their little lives.  Outdoors from day one, these pigs will be raised very differently from conventional store bought "factory" pork chops.  They won't be pumped with antibiotics, GMOs, or kept in confinement.  These pigs will get to romp in the sunshine with their siblings, cuddle up with mamma in the straw, dig in the dirt with their snout, and live like a pig should!  We highly respect the unique design of a pig, knowing that their lifestyle makes a difference in the quality of meat they produce. 

Your farmer,

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Farm Notes August 20th

More than farming happens at Bartlett Farm.  My brother Andrew is a talented filmmaker, web designer, and media expert.  Today he announced his latest project, "Crash Land: A Mission to Al Kazor" a short mini-adventure drama using stop-motion photography to animate Lego and Mega Blok soldiers.  It is an exciting story.  The full movie will be released Friday evening, but you can watch the trailer and sign up to see the movie on the official website: www.crashland.bartlettproductions.com.  Check it out!


Your farmers,
Peter and Andrew

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Farm Notes August 13

Last week we were happy to receive a few loads of high quality organic alfalfa/brome grass hay from a local farmer for the dairy cows.  This hay will be used to make milk through the coming winter.  We are very blessed to have a trustworthy organic farmer that is willing to provide this quality hay for us at a fair price.  This hay didn't get rained on at all before it was baled, so it should stay fresh and nutritious for the cows until spring.

Your farmer,

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Farm Notes August 6th

Our family has been busy butchering chickens this week.  We did 150 birds in two days (yesterday and today).  A relaxed pace, but enjoyable for us all.  In the photo below, Dad (Jim) stands next to the famous "Whizbang" chicken plucker.  Here's how it works:
1) scald three birds in 148 degree water for one minute
2) turn on Whizbang and toss birds into the barrel of spinning rubber fingers for 20 seconds
3) spray with cold water
4) remove plucked chickens 
Plucking takes a grand total of about 7 seconds per chicken this way.  It sure beats hand plucking! 
If you ordered pastured broiler chickens from us, you will be contacted when they are ready.  Some orders will be filled from future batches.
