Monday, May 31, 2010

The nicest set of letters I've ever seen!

Tomorrow I will send the first set of bills to cow-share owners for them to pay boarding for the third quarter. It is the only first of many invoices that will be sent, Lord willing! We have begun to use QuickBooks for our customer database and it works really well to organize accounts and invoices and much more.


Cora Beth said...

Those do look like a nice set of letters, Peter! :)

Say, I keep wanting to ask your family... One lady that I work with asked me the other day if we needed egg cartons or if I knew of someone who did. As we only get enough for our own use, we don't need cartons, but I was wondering if your family could use some? If not, that's fine--but I told her I'd ask some friends of ours and so am. We could possibly get them to you at Prairie Days--or if we have another shoot or something...

David said...

I have a few questions. how much do you sell a cow share for? and how much do your pork customers pre pay? And about how large do you let the hogs grow?
Also do you pre sell meat chickens and if you do how much a piece ? I am asking because we have been growing all this food for our selves for years and recently quite a few people have been asking us if we can raise meat for them. But I would want them to pre pay as we would not have any start up money.

Peter said...

Hi David,

Check out our family website for the prices of our products. The order form is here:


David said...

Thank I'll go check out your web sight.