Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The last three days

Sunday: The country living skills workshops turned out pretty good. It was all taped, and it was kind of interesting when it got dark, Steve used his camera that has a sort of night vision that makes everything that is dark look bright. There was a workshop on: candle making, kerosene lamp usage, Turtle Mountain herbs and how to use them, peak oil DVD, biblical view of city/country, and then an informal music jam session. I met a few new friends, and had a lot of fun!

Monday: Two Stegman boys, Stovers and the Hendersons stayed over night at Paulette's and in the morning after breakfast we went over. Most of the day we played snow balls. It was hard to make ones that would stay together, but we figured out that if you squeezed it hard enough it would stay together. One of the games we played was one team of two or three people would be at the top and another at the bottom of a steep hill that was covered with brush, and the team at the bottom would have to defeat the other team or push them past a certain point. You can use these rules if you want for your own snowball fight:

Each team has about even people and a post or a tree as base. If you are hit you lose one of three lives and if you get hit three times and lose all your lives you go to the other teams base/prison, but if you want to you can get freed by getting hit with two snowballs from your team, if you go to the prison three times you are out of the game and have to wait until the game is over.

Tuesday (today): The dogs had gone on an expedition on there own and were missing, and it isn't the first time that happened. Later today when we were at Metigoshe Ministries helping Jonathan vacuum, and when we came back the dogs ran from the direction of the old house. Andrew and I followed their tracks and the led all the way to the state land (about a half mile). I was surprised that they would go that far away. Oh I forgot, Dad was gone the whole day and came back about 6:30 PM



Lynn Bartlett said...

Thanks, Peter, for keeping the Grandparent up to date with what we are doing. I'm not very good at doing that these days. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Good blog Peter.

Glad you all had a good day at the Country Living Seminar.

Its great to hear about all your activities.

Hope your dogs aren't chasing deer.

Wonder why they wander off.