Monday, February 13, 2006

The Jump

Yesterday the Hendersons came over to have felowship/home church and had brought their sleds. Our hill is pretty steep that is in the front of our house, and the snow was about 8 inches deep so we had to go over it a couple of times in order to get our sleds to go very far. After a while we got tired of just sliding so Adam Henderson had the idea to make a wooden jump. We found some scrap boards and assembled it and put snow over the top of it. Here's a few pictures of what it looked like:

This is Adam on one of his sleds.

This is Evan Henderson breaking a record.

This is me but the landing on that one hurt a little.

Another one of Evan.

This shows the jump and the sled with Adam in it.

This is the jump that is only about one and a half feet tall. The highest we jumped was about three feet off the ground, and the farthest we jumped was 16' 3" and that was Evan.



Lynn Bartlett said...

Hi Peter, whoever did the photo taking did a great job! Are you sore today??!! Love, Mom

Lynn Bartlett said...

I enjoy taking pictures!
