Thursday, May 25, 2017

How to Move A Cow

Cows don't speak english. But they do know what you're saying through body language. 

To move a cow you need to think of two things. Pressure and position.

Your body language determines your pressure. Slouch your shoulders, bend down, pick up a blade of grass -- this is low pressure. Stand tall, puff out your chest, wave your arms -- that's high pressure.

To make a cow go where you want, you use just enough pressure from the right position. 

The cow thinks through her eyes, so your position in relation to her head is what matters. It's pretty much like a game of pool from there. Position yourself in the right place and exert the right amount of pressure. She will move! Then adjust. 

That's about it.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Setting Goals

I love to be busy but sometimes I fail to set a goal for where I want to be by the end of the day, month, year and end up doing only "busy work." Work that gets little done and no substantial progress.

Setting and dwelling on goals is important because it gives me a high standard to aim for and an intentional attitude toward getting there.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

A Temporary Need For Limited Liability

People are the image bearers of God. As such, we have moral responsibility and a duty to obey God in all that we do.

When we create an organization or a corporation, we create another entity that is an artificial person. This person isn't made in God's image.

What I take that to mean is that although the company is bound to conform to the moral responsibilities and obligations of holiness in God's world, the people in charge of the company are the ones given the great task of harnessing the company's actions in obedience to God's commands.

Today I became President of Bartlett Dairy, LLC.

I find it an honor and privilege to be in this position. I also know that limiting liability for the wrong reasons is sin. I must be careful to not allow the business interests to affect my moral judgement.

The way I see it, today's need for limiting liability is for protection from a corrupt judicial system.

There will probably be a day down the road where limiting liability will not be necescary because righteous judgement will protect upright people.

For now, it seems that LLCs provide the best government-approved protection from reckless lawsuits and help keep family businesses afloat.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Simple is Scalable: Real Beef Parcel

Since selling beef, we've only offered customers the ability to buy large amounts through a quarter, half, or whole beef, or various cuts.

The problem with this is that it's hard for busy people to choose what they want. 

The bulk order takes planning, the cuts take knowledge.

So we designed a product that solves that problem. It's not for every consumer, it's for learners.

It's the Real Beef Parcel. In the Standard option, you get a box of beef with a roast, four steaks, and and four pounds of ground beef. It's all you need to be able to say "I'm eating grass-fed beef."

The best part is that I think this model is scalable because it's simple.

Now the job is getting this into the hands of those who know they need it.